Women's Ministries
Women on Mission
Monthly on the 2nd Monday, 10 am
Hillmon Grove's Women on Mission group gives ladies the opportunity to participate in missions and ministries that enable them to serve Christ in a number of ways.
They learn about missions around the world, plan mission action projects and enjoy fellowship.
Some of their projects include providing school supplies for the local elementary school, sending Psalm 31 bandanas to soldiers, participating in the Red Box ministry for female inmates, filling shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child, organizing fruit baskets for shut-ins and more.
Throughout the year, our Women on Mission emphasize offerings to support state, national and world missions, Baptist Children's Homes, Baptist Retirement Homes and North Carolina's WMU chapter.
Women on Mission is a part of the larger organization Woman's Missionary Union.
Monthly on the 1st Friday, 9:30 am
A faith-filled ladies fellowship where women of women of all ages get to know each other through faith based discussion and fellowship.
Our mission is to foster an environment of organic mentorship and
community within the women of the church.

Men's Ministries
Baptist Men's Ministry
Bi-Monthly on the 4th Thursday, 6:30 pm
The Men's Ministry operates under the N.C. Baptist Men. They meet bimonthly for fellowship and missions activities planning. One of their largest ministries is building ramps for church and community members in need.
Also, the Hillmon Grove men plan a variety of recreational outings such as Carolina Panthers football, deep sea fishing, and hunting.