In addition to commissioning church members and teams to mission fields nationally and internationally, Hillmon Grove participates in a number of local mission projects and leads community outreach events throughout the year. Below are a few of our activities.
Baptist Men's Ministry At Work | Baptist Men's Ministry At Work | Baptist Men's Ministry At Work |
Baptist Men's Ministry At Work | Baptist Men's Ministry At Work | Baptist Men's Ministry At Work |
Vacation Bible School ─ every summer VBS is held for ages birth-adults with Bible lessons, music, games, missions focus and lots of fun.
OIAM/ServeNC ─ annual community missions events meeting local needs with lawn care, food drives, school improvement and more.
Fall Festival, Easter Egg Hunt ─ these events are held appropriately in the fall, spring and summer to minister to community children and families.
Liberty Commons & Westfield Ministry ─ every Monday church members travel to Liberty Commons and Westfield Rehabilitation Facilities to have devotion, sing and visit with residents. Click Here to watch a playlist of the messages preached during our Liberty Commons visits.
CARE ─ Christians Actively Reaching Everyone (CARE) groups meet each week to pray and address needs of church and community members through cards, calls, meals, visits, etc.
Buddy Backpack of Harnett County ─ Hillmon Grove supports this program through funding and food drives to provide food for school-aged children on the weekends.